Hi there!


So you are arriving to Naha airport!


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport on Okinawa island. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


As with much of public transportation in Japan, once you take the Okinawa monorail once or twice, you will be a pro at riding it!


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport with yui rail public transportation train. How to buy tickets. Where to buy okica card. Backpacking Okinawa Japan travel blog

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Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport with yui rail public transportation. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


There is a monorail station located within walking distance of the airport.

This means that if you’re staying in a main part of Naha, it’ll likely be pretty convenient to get to your hotel from the airport by taking the Okinawa monorail aka Yui Rail.

And, the monorail from the airport only goes in one direction, so you don’t even need to make sure you are taking the monorail that’s going in the correct direction!


More below with the visual of what it can be like to take public transportation from Naha airport!







How to get to the Naha airport monorail station

In short…

Follow the signs!


After you’ve collected your baggage…


Okinawa monorail - Train from Naha airport. Arrivals, baggage claim. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


You’ll leave the secure area…


Okinawa monorail - Train from Naha airport. Arrivals. Backpacking Okinawa Japan

Side note!
Explore the map to look for the cheapest hotels or uniquely-Japan places to stay! Enter your destination in the search!


And then you can look for the signs pointing to the monorail!


Okinawa monorail - How to take train from Naha airport. How to get to monorail airport station. Backpacking Okinawa Japan

Okinawa monorail - How to take train from Naha airport. How to get to monorail airport station. Backpacking Okinawa Japan

Okinawa monorail - How to take train from Naha airport. How to get to monorail airport station. Backpacking Okinawa Japan

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Read the reviews for uniquely-Japan experiences! (Partner website reviews!)


And then you will make your way to the monorail airport station.


Okinawa monorail - How to take train from Naha airport. How to get to monorail airport station. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


You will see the station almost immediately upon exiting the airport, and it will be a walk of a few minutes.



How to buy a monorail ticket

You need a ticket before you board the monorail, and you can buy this when you get to the monorail station.

You’ll find the ticket machines right next to the ticket gates.


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - how to buy train tickets - ticket machines at ticket gates. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


Before you make your way directly in front of the ticket machine though, you will want to know:

  • What monorail station you are getting off at


Google Maps can be a reliable way to figure out which monorail station is closest to your destination.

So you can input your destination as your hotel, and it’ll likely tell you the station you’ll be looking to go to.


Then, once you know which station you want to go to, have a look at the route map above the ticket machines.


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - how to buy train tickets - train ticket cost how much from naha airport. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


You can locate your station to figure out the cost of your train ticket. (This will also show up on display on the ticket machine too for confirmation.)


So the ticket cost for the monorail from the Naha airport will be around 200-300 yen (US$2-3)


Now that you know the cost of the ticket, you can head to the ticket machine.


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - how to buy train tickets. Backpacking Okinawa Japan

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Read more reviews for uniquely-Japan experiences! (Partner website reviews!)

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Then click on how many adults and children you’re buying the ticket for.


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - how to buy train tickets - how much cost adult, child. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


If you’re just buying for yourself, you don’t have to do anything, as 1 adult is the default.


And from there, you’ll click on the “monorail ticket” option, and then basically just follow the prompts!

There is an English version that you can switch over to, so first look for that button.


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - how to buy train tickets. Backpacking Okinawa Japan

Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - how to buy train tickets. Backpacking Okinawa Japan

Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - how to buy train tickets. Backpacking Okinawa Japan




Instead of buying an individual train ticket each time you want to take the monorail…

Okica card: Okinawa’s IC card

There are also IC cards in Okinawa.

An okica card is Okinawa’s version of a suica card or pasmo card that you would get in Tokyo, an icoca card that you would get in Kyoto, or a kitaca card that you would get in Hokkaido.

There’s really no cost benefit in getting an okica card, but it will make traveling on the Okinawa monorail much easier and more convenient.

Instead of having to buy a monorail ticket every time you want to ride one, you can instead have your okica card loaded up with cash, and then swipe through the ticket gate without stopping by the ticket machine each time.

So this is something to consider getting if you’ll be taking the monorail around Naha a few times. There is an extra fee (well, “deposit”) of 500 yen (US$5) to buy this.



Can you use your suica card or icoca card in Okinawa?

Typically, you can use various IC cards like suica, pasmo, and icoca across different regions of Japan that accept IC cards.

But these IC cards that you buy in Tokyo or Kyoto…


Okinawa monorail - Can you use suica, pasmo, icoca, kitaca, manaca, toica, nimoca, sugoca, ic cards in Okinawa? Backpacking Okinawa Japan


You will NOT be able to use in Okinawa. (As of the time I went in 2019!)

So this means that if you want the ease of using public transportation in Naha, you’ll need to get the okica card.


How to buy the okica card

It’s pretty easy to get an okica card, and you can do this at the same ticket machine that you would buy a monorail ticket.

So once you arrive at the monorail airport station, you would go over to the ticket machine, similar to if you were to buy an individual ticket.

Once again…

Basically just follow the prompts!

For this, you will click on the button for “IC card.”


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - where to buy okica card, ic card. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


You can go for “personal” with your name and info on the card in case you lose the card, or you can go for the regular “general” okica card.


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - where to buy okica card, ic card. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


Since you need to pay the deposit of 500 yen, if you select 1,000 yen option, consider that it only leaves you with 500 yen on the card.

It’ll probably take you around 300 yen to get to your hotel.

So it would probably be best to load the card with the 2,000 yen option.


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - where to buy okica card, ic card. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


Then pay…


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - where to buy okica card, ic card. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


Then you get your Okinawa okica card!


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - where to buy okica card, ic card. Backpacking Okinawa Japan

Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - okica card, okinawa ic card. no suica, pasmo, icoca. Backpacking Okinawa Japan



Monorail pass

Another option as you may have seen in the prompts above is the monorail pass.

There is a “1 day monorail pass” and “2 day monorail pass” that you can get as well.


How much does the monorail pass cost?
  • 1-day pass – 800 yen (US$8)
  • 2-day pass – 1,400 yen (US$14)

These are valid for 24-hours and 48-hours from the time you buy the pass.

Check hereΒ to confirm the current price of the monorail pass.


Once again, you can buy the monorail pass in the same way that you buy the individual ticket or okica card.

Just follow the prompts!



So you have an okica card, monorail ticket, or monorail pass!

Next, you will go through the ticket gate!


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport ticket gate. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


Whether you have a card, ticket, or pass, you will swipe to get through the ticket gate.


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport ticket gate. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


With an okica card, you tap the indicated area with your card.

With a ticket or pass, you’ll place the bar code side down to get through the ticket gate.


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - train ticket from airport. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


Then you can take the elevator, escalator, or stairs to get up to the platform.


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - elevators, escalators, stairs. Backpacking Okinawa Japan



Wait for the next train to arrive!


Then once the monorail arrives…


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - yui rail train timings. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


Off to Naha city you go!


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport with yui rail public transportation. Backpacking Okinawa Japan

Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport with yui rail public transportation. Backpacking Okinawa Japan

Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - yui rail train seats with luggage. Backpacking Okinawa Japan

Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport to city - how to get there with public transportation - monorail train or bus. Backpacking Okinawa Japan

Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport to city - how to get there with public transportation - monorail train or bus. Backpacking Okinawa Japan



Luggage on the monorail?!

No problem!

You won’t be alone!


Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - yui rail train seats with luggage, big suitcase, carry-on, backpack. Backpacking Okinawa Japan



What are the monorail timings from Naha airport?!

In short, they are pretty frequent so you likely won’t have to wait long for the next monorail to come.


Below are the listed timings at the monorail airport station.


Photos taken April 2019


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - train timings - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - weekdays. Backpacking Okinawa Japan



Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - train timings - Friday. Backpacking Okinawa Japan



Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - train timings - Saturday. Backpacking Okinawa Japan


Sunday, holidays

Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport - train timings - Sunday, holidays. Backpacking Okinawa Japan





Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport with yui rail public transportation. Backpacking Okinawa Japan

Okinawa monorail at Naha Airport with yui rail public transportation. Backpacking Okinawa Japan



Traveling around Japan and can't read Japanese? No problem! Just use the camera on the google translate app!

Is a JR pass worth it?!

  • Google maps can make it easy to figure out whether or not you should get a JR pass!
  • In google maps, type in your departure and arrival city, and choose the transit icon. The route will come up, and so will the estimated cost at the bottom!
  • Here is an example of a train route with cost on google maps.
  • So do that for all of your long distance routes to figure out how much it might cost.
  • Next, go here to see how much a JR pass costs.
  • And compare!
  • Not all forms of public transportation are JR, but long distance shinkansen bullet trains are, and that's where the most cost savings will come.

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